Cemeteries and graveyards, full of love, betrayal, tragic deaths, murder, and suicide. What will you find?

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Maria Blewitt, Elizabeth Blewitt of Cookham, Berkshire, and Eliza Blewitt - Two Wives and a Cousin

Monument to Maria, Elizabeth and Eliza Blewitt, Holy Trinity Churchyard, Cookham, Berkshire, England.

"In Loving Memory Of Maria Blewitt who died Oct. 19th 1878 aged 48 years.  Also Elizabeth Blewitt who died April 17th 1896 aged 53 years.  Also Eliza Blewitt who died Dec 1st 18?? aged ?6 years."

Maria Blewitt was born Maria Haysome in Woodhay, Hampshire in 1830 to William Haysome, a farm bailiff, and his wife Ruth Chalice.

Maria first appears on the 1841 Census, aged eleven years, living with her parents and elder brothers William and Edward and her younger sister Elizabeth in Woodhay Hampshire.

1851 and the twenty-one-year-old Maria is still living with her parents in Woodhay, Hampshire.  By 1851 William had emigrated to Australia with his wife Jane, Edward Haysome was living in Woodhay, Hampshire with his wife Elizabeth and their two sons Charles and Henry.  Elizabeth Haysome was working as a housemaid for the Bunny family in Newbury Berkshire.

In 1858, the twenty-eight-year-old Maria married William Henry Blewitt, a gardener and grocer in Cookham, Berkshire.  1859 saw the birth of their first child, a son, William.  In 1861 Maria and William had moved to Nightingale Place in Cookham, along with two-year-old William, that same year they celebrated the birth of their second child Ann (listed on the 1861 Census as three-month-old Infant Blewitt).  Sadly, their joy was short lived as young William was to die that same year. On 10th August 1861 the Berkshire Chronical reported:

"Scalded to Death. —An inquest was held before R. Clarke, Esq., on Thursday last, at the Railway Tavern, Cookham, touching the death of William Blewitt, aged two years and five months, son of Henry Blewitt, gardener. On Sunday afternoon, about two o'clock, a neighbour placed pan of hot water, in which his dinner had been cooked, in his back garden, and the deceased was walking backwards and fell into the pan, and was severely scalded about the legs and lower part of the body. Mr. Plumbe, surgeon, of Maidenhead, attended and applied the usual remedies, but the shock to the nervous system was too great, and death took place early on Tuesday morning. Verdict—Accidental death."

1863 saw the birth of Maria and William's third child and second son, Henry Haysome Blewitt.  In 1865 they welcome a fourth child and third son Edward into their family.  1868 saw the arrival of Ellen their fifth child and second daughter.  Another son James was welcomed in 1870.

By 1871 the family had moved to Tavern Row in Cookham, Berkshire.  At that time Maria's occupation is listed as a grocer.  Also living with the family is six-month-old Sydney E Evans, who is listed as a nurse child.  During the Victorian era many women took in nurse children, who they looked after for a monthly fee or a one-off payment.  This gave rise to the infamous baby farmers who murdered their charges for profit.  Such a fate did not befall little Sydney, as he grew to marry and have children of his own.

William and Maria's final child and third daughter, Sarah is born in 1873.

Sadly in 1878, aged just forty-eight, Maria was to pass away.  On 2nd November 1878 the Reading Mercury carried the following announcement:

"Blewitt. On the 19th alt., at Maria, wife Henry W. Blewitt, aged 48 years."

A year later in 1879 William Blewitt had remarried in Cookham, Berkshire to Elizabeth White.

Elizabeth White was born in 1840 in Trumpington, Cambridgeshire to William White, an agricultural labourer, and his wife Hannah Winell.

In 1881 William and his new wife Elizabeth have moved to Whitbrook Cottages in Cookham Berkshire.  William's children from his first marriage, Edward, now sixteen and an agricultural labourer, James, now ten, and eight-year-old Sarah are living with them.  In 1884 William and Elizabeth have their only child together, Alice Edith Blewitt.

1891 and the family has moved to Mill Lane in Cookham.

Sadly in 1896 Elizabeth passes away on 17th April 1896 aged 53.

Eliza Blewitt was born in Great Marlow Buckinghamshire in 1848 to Charles Blewitt, William's uncle, an agricultural labourer and his wife Sarah Corby.

Eliza first appears on the 1851 Census aged three years old, living with her parents and elder siblings, Robert, Sarah, Ellen, Charles and James in Chapel Street, Great Marlow, Buckinghamshire.  In 1861 Eliza and James are living with Robert and Sarah Howard at Nine Mile ride in Easthampsted, Berkshire. 

I am unable to find Eliza on the 1871 Census.  In 1881 Eliza is visiting the Neighbour family in Norwood, Middlesex.  I have been able to find a death index for Eliza.


  1. What a life wonder what happened to William?

    1. In 1901 William is living in Station Road in Cookham, ged 74 he's listed as a gardener. Living with him at the time is his daughter Alice and his 3 year old grand-daughter Mary Blewitt. William passed away in 1905 in London. In 1911 Alice Blewitt is an inmate at Camberwell Workhouse in London. I cannot find anything on Mary Blewitt after 1901.

  2. Makes me wonder about Alice now ---- as always, interesting post! Thanks for sharing on Taphophile Tragics!


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