Cemeteries and graveyards, full of love, betrayal, tragic deaths, murder, and suicide. What will you find?

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Catherine Whitmarsh, Wife of William Whitmarsh, Blacksmith and Tax Collector of Cookham Berkshire

Monument to Catherine Whitmarsh, Holy Trinity Churchyard, Cookham, Berkshire, England.

"Scared to the memory of Catherine Whitmarsh who departed this life September 15th 1855 aged 55 years - Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Rev. Chap 11: Verse 13"

Catherine was born in 1800 in the village in Penn, Buckinghamshire.  She was the wife of William Whitmarsh, blacksmith and parish clerk, collector of taxes and agent of the Mutual Life Assurance Society, of Cookham, Berkshire.

Catherine first appears on the 1841 Census aged forty years, living in the village of Cookham with her husband William and their children fifteen-year-old Elizabeth, twelve-year-old Catherine, and eight-year-old William Jr.  Living next door to William and Catherine are William's parents, John Whitmarsh, a blacksmith, and his wife Elizabeth.

In 1851 the family is still living in Cookham village.  William is now a master blacksmith, employing three men.  The now twenty-four-year-old Elizabeth is a dress maker, the twenty-two-year-old Catherine is a school mistress, and the eighteen-year-old William Jr a blacksmith in his father's business.  Sadly, Catherine was to pass away only four years later on September 15th 1855.  The family suffered another loss in 1859 when William Jr passed away.

William and his daughters Elizabeth and Catherine are still living in Cookham village in 1861.  William is still working as a blacksmith, employing only 2 men.  Elizabeth and Catherine have started up a grocery business.  William was to pass away on 26th February 1881, before the 1881 Census was taken, which shows Elizabeth and Catherine still living together in Cookham village. On 5th March 1881 the Reading Mercury carried the following announcement:

"Whitmarsh- on 26th ult., at his residence in Cookham, William Whitmarsh, in the 82nd year of his age."

On 9th March 1881, the Maidenhead Advertiser reported:


Obituary. Funeral of the late Mr. Whitmarsh, an old and esteemed neighbour. who died on the 26th ult., took place on Thursday last. There was a large gathering of friends and neighbours of the deceased present to witness the ceremony, during which time the shops were partially closed and blinds drawn down in private houses. Mr. Whitmarsh had been a great sufferer for some time past, and of late was totally blind, but he bore his affliction with extraordinary fortitude and patience."

Catherine was next to pass away in 1890, followed by her sister Elizabeth just 3 years later in 1891.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting! And I like your photo -- this stone has some interesting detailing on it.

    Thanks for sharing this on Taphophile Tragics!


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