Cemeteries and graveyards, full of love, betrayal, tragic deaths, murder, and suicide. What will you find?

Wednesday 31 July 2013

War Grave Wednesday - Harry deSwart

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

We will remember them.
"Of your charity pray for the soul of Harry deSwart who was killed in France Sept 30 1916 aged 29 R.I.P"
Harry deSwart is a bit of a mystery.  I have been unable to find out much about his family as he appears as a boarder in various schools and with various families on the Census returns.  He was born in 1887 in Pancras, London.
Sometime after the outbreak of World War I Harry deSwart joined the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.   Sadly he died of wounds he received in battle on 30th September 1816.
Harry's sister, Florence deSwart requested that she receive his medals after the war.  Her address at the time was Rio-de-Janeiro.
Please note that Harry is not buried at the grave site pictured above as he is buried where he fell in France.


  1. He is buried in France.

  2. I've had a bunch of mysteries lately ... must be going around. :)

    Thank you for sharing on Taphophile Tragics!

  3. Thank you for sharing on Taphophile Tragics!


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