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Tuesday, 7 May 2013

William Pinder Padmore, Architect and Surveyor, and His Wife Georgiana Elizabeth Padmore of Langton House, Bridge Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire

Cross monuments to William Pinder and Georgiana Elizabeth Padmore, All Saints churchyard, Boyne Hill, Maidenhead Berkshire.

"In Memory of William Pinder Padmore who entered into rest on September 24th 1888 aged 68 - R. I. P. - Jesu Mercy."

" In Memory of Georgiana Elizabeth Padmore who entered into rest November 13th 1891 aged 59 - R. I. P. - Jesu Mercy."

William Pinder Padmore was born in Lichfield, Staffordshire in 1820 to John Padmore and his wife Charlotte Adeline Smith.  William was Christened on 5th September 1820.

Georgiana Elizabeth Padmore was born Georgiana Elizabeth Grinder in Middlesex London in 1832 to George Grinder, A chemist and druggist, and his wife Marie Agustini Grinder

In 1851, 19-year-old Georgiana Elizabeth is living with her parents and siblings Walter, Annette, Edmund, and Henrietta at Grove House, Linden Grove, Kensington, London.

On 3rd November 1859 at St James Chruch, Picadilly, Westminster, London, William Pinder married Georgiana Elizabeth Grinder.

In 1861 William and Georgiana are living in Mount Street in Westminster, London.  William's occupation is listed as architect and surveyor.  Living with them at the time is Georgiana's brother Walter Grinder.

1871 and William and Georgiana have moved to Langton House, Bridge Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire.  In 1872 William and Georgiana's only child, Adeline Lucy Padmore is born.  Adeline Lucy Padmore is Christened on 3rd February 1872 at All Saints church in Margaret Street, Marylebone, London.  Interestingly the person that performed the ceremony was Georgiana's brother Walter S Grinder.

William and Georgiana appear on the 1881 Census incorrectly recorded as Keats, they are still living at Langton House, Bridge Road, Maidenhead

William Pinder Padmore sadly passes away on 24th September 1888 at Langton House. On 26th September 1888, the Maidenhead Advertiser carried the following announcement:


Padmore-On the 24th inst., at Langton House, Bridge Road, Maidenhead, William Pinder Padmore, after a long lingering illness; deeply regretted."  

Georgianna gifted a stained-glass window to St Paul's church upon its consecration in memory of her husband. On 6th November 1889, the Maidenhead Advertiser reported:

"In the centre light is the Virgin with the infant Saviour, and in the surrounding spaces are angels striking bells. which bear varied inscriptions of praise. The glass is of exquisite design and colour, and has all the soft jewellike effect of old work. It is given by Mrs. Padmore, in memory of her husband."

In 1891 Georgiana Elizabeth and Adeline Lucy can be found still living at Langton House, Bridge Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire.  Georgiana was to pass away seven months later on 13th November 1891. On 25th November 1891, the Maidenhead Advertiser reported:

"FUNERAL OF THE LATE MRS. PADMORE.—On Thursday morning last the remains of the late Mrs. Georgiana Elizabeth Padmore, of Langton House, Bridge-road, Maidenhead, were interred in All Saints' churchyard. The service in the church was conducted by the Revs. A. H. Drummond and R. P. Newhouse, and that at the grave by the Revs. W. S. Grindle (Georgiana's brother) and G. R. Hogg. The hymns sung in the church were "Let saints on earth in concert sing", "And now O Father," and "There is a blessed home." The body was enclosed in a shell, and the outer coffin was of polished oak. It bore a massive oak cross, and on a brass plate at the base was the following inscription "

Georgiana Elizabeth Padmore; entered into rest Nov. 13th. 1891; aged 54. R I. P." 

There was a large quantity of wreaths and crosses. The hymn sung at the grave was " The saints of God, their past." The principal mourners were E. S. Grindle, Esq., Miss Padmore, Rev. W. S. Grindle, Miss A. S. Grindle, Rev. G. R. Hogg, Dr. Hog, G. A. Grindle, Esq., Mrs. E. S. Grindle, E. G. Hogg. Esq., Ralph Grindle. Esq., Mrs. W. S. Grindle, and Miss E. Hogg. The funeral arrangements were satisfactorily carried out by Mr. J. C. Webber, High-street, Maidenhead."

Georgiana's belongings were sold by auction on 9th June 1892. On 18th May 1892, the Maidenhead Advertiser carried the following advertisement:

"By order of the Executors of the late Mrs. Padmore Langton Rouse, Bridge Road, MESSES. SYMMONS & HEWTIT will Sell by Auction, upon the Premises, on THURSDAY, June 9th, 1892, at 12 for 1 o'clock, the FURNITURE and Effects in the Residence, including iron bedsteads and bedding, mahogany and painted chests of drawers, wardrobes, rosewood and other tables, fenders and fireirons, large oil paintings., proof engravings and water ardour., repp curtains, bookcases, quantity of books, Brussels and other carpets, rugs, couch, antique arm chairs, inlaid chairs, chimney glass, ornaments, bamboo fire screen, mahogany dining-table, mahogany chairs, oak chest of drawers, drawing boards, mahogany writing-table with drawers, gas stove, glass and china, kitchen and scullery utensils, &c &c. May be viewed the day previous and morning of Sale, and Catalogues obtained at the Auctioneers' MOSS, 27, High-street, Maidenhead, or by post on application."

Adeline Lucy Padmore moved to Brighton after the death of her parents.  She never married and died there on June 4th 1954, aged eighty-four.  She was buried in All Saint's Churchyard along with her parents


  1. That was very interesting. Am I right in assuming you use Ancestor UK? Would you recommend it for research purposes?

    1. Thank you. Yes, I mainly use Ancestry.co.uk and while it can be a fantastic first step, it can be expensive and very frustrating due to many transcription errors.


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