Cemeteries and graveyards, full of love, betrayal, tragic deaths, murder, and suicide. What will you find?

Friday, 19 October 2012

John and Elizabeth Day of Moor Farm, Holyport, Berkshire - Christmas Eve Burial

Monument to John and Elizabeth Day, Bray Parish Cemetery, Holyport Berkshire.

"In loving memory of John Day died January 13th 1906 aged 56 years - at rest- 'Thy will be done'.
And of Elizabeth Day died December 21st 1938 aged 85 years."

John Day was born in 1849 in Shottesbrooke, Berkshire to John Day, a Farmer of 133 acres, employing 12 labourers, and his wife Mary Ann Ashton.  John can first be found on the 1851 Census, aged 2, living with his parents and baby sister Harriet, at their farm in Shottesbrook, Berkshire. Living with the family is John's maternal grandmother Frances Ashton, and visiting is Mary Aston, John's cousin. The family are still living in Shottesbrooke, Berkshire in 1861 and 1871. However, I have been unable to locate John on the 1871 Census.

John's mother Mary Ann passed away in 1874. John and the family. along with widower John Snr can be found on the 1881 census living at Pond Wood Farm in Shottesbrooke Berkshire.  Visiting the family is Elizabeth Newport.

Elizabeth Day was born Elizabeth Newport in 1853 at 28 Bush Lane, Middlesex, London, to Philip Newport, a general dealer, and his wife Sarah Osbourne.  Elizabeth first appears on the 1861 Census, aged 8, living with her parents and siblings at 28 Bush Lane, Middlesex, London. Elizabeth's father Philip was to pass away just a year later in 1862. Again, I am unable to locate Elizabeth or her family on the 1871.

John married Elizabeth Newport on 13th July 1883 at St Barnabas Church in Islington Middlesex.  Together they had six children, four sons, Robert (known as Bobbie), John, Arthur Newport, and Frank, and two daughters, May, and Hattie Rose. 

John's father John Snr was to pass away on 2nd February 1888. The Reading Mercury carried the following announcement on 11th February 1888:

"Day-On 1st inst., [sic] at Pond Wood Farm. Shottesbrook. John Day, aged years." 

On the 1891 Census John, Elizabeth and their family can be found living in Holyport. Johne was an active member of the Bray Parish Council, becoming the Vice Chairman. 

John passed away on 13th January 1906 leaving Elizabeth to take over their farm in Holyport.  Her sons John and Arthur Newport Day returned to the family home at Moor Farm in Holyport to help their mother run the family business.  The Slough, Eton Observer reports at the time;

"Holyport.  Death of well-known local farmer.-  We regret to have to record the death on Saturday afternoon of a well-known and highly respected local farmer-Mr. John Day, of Moor farm, Holyport- after a short illness. Mr Day, who formally lived at white Waltham, had farmed at Holyport for a number of years.  He was of a genial disposition, and had many friends.  He took a keen interest in local affairs, and at the time of his death he was a member of the Bray Parish Council.  Much sympathy is felt with Mrs. Day and her family in the great loss in which they have sustained."

John's Funeral was held at St Michael's Church, Bray, Berkshire on 17th January 1906, The Maidenhead Advertiser reported on 24th January 1906:


The remains of the late Mr. John Day, farmer, of Moor Farm, Holyport, whose death, after a short ill- ness, occurred on the 13th last, were interred in Bray cemetery, on Wednesday afternoon last, in the presence of a very large gathering of sympathising friends. The first part of the funeral service was held at St. Michael's Church, Bray, the officiating clergyman being the Rev. H. J. F. Tringham (curate of Bray). The coffin, which was of polished Canadian elm, with brass furniture, bore the following inscription on a brass plate 

Died January 13th, 1906, 
Aged 56 years. 

It was covered with a large number of beautiful wreaths. The funeral arrangement& were well carried out by Kr. G. Hooper, undertaker, Maidenhead."

Poor Elizabeth was to experience more tragedy in 1906 when her eldest daughter May was to pass away on 28th May, after complications from an Appendectomy, aged just 16 years old. The Maidenhead Advertiser Reported on 6th June 1906:

"HOLYPORT. DEATH AND FUNIRAL OF MISS MAY DAY.—Much sympathy is felt with Mrs. Day, of Moor Farm, Holyport, in the loss which she has sustained by the death of her eldest daughter—May, aged 16 years—which occurred on May 28th, after undergoing an operation for appendicitis. The funeral took place at Bray cemetery on Tuesday last. The coffin, which was of Canadian elm, with brass fittings, bore the following inscription 

" May Day, died 28th Mey, 1906, aged 16 years."

The funeral arrangements were well-carried out by Mr. G. Hooper. undertaker, Broadway, Maidenhead."

On the 1911 Census widowed Elizabeth can be found living at Moor Farm with her two sons, John, and Arthur Newport Day, and her remaining daughter, Hattie Rose.

Elizabeth was to pass away on 21st December 1938 after a short illness. The Maidenhead Advertiser reported on 29th December 1938:


The death of Mrs. E. Day, of 47, The Crescent, Maidenhead, removed a well-known from our midst. The deceased lady was an active member of The Women's Unionist Association, Belmont Ward, and her cheery presence will be missed at the meetings. Mrs. Day, who was in her 86th year, was taken seriously ill in her home on December 8th, and was conveyed unconscious to Maidenhead Hospital, but despite medical skill and good nursing she passed away on December 21st without regaining consciousness. She leaves one daughter and four sons to mourn her loss. Two of the sons are living in the U.S.A.

The remains of the deceased lady were laid to rest in the grave of her late husband John Day, at Bray Cemetery, on Christmas Eve, the Rev. Canon A. J. Jones (Vicar of Bray) officiating." 

Moor Farm is a 13th Century farmhouse that was first owned by John Atte More in 1270.  It is now a bed and breakfast with holiday cottages attached.


  1. That is neat that you have a picture of their home as well - and that it is a 13th c home!
    (I think you mean that Elizabeth died in 1938?)

    1. Ah, yes so I do. I write 18XX so many times during the day I have even given my own birth year as 1879.

  2. My great Aunt ,Gertrude was married to Jack Day and lived at Manor Farm Holyport.I think Jack was probably this couple’s son


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