Cemeteries and graveyards, full of love, betrayal, tragic deaths, murder, and suicide. What will you find?

Sunday 21 October 2012

Cemetery Sunday - Verse

"Here lieth the body of Elizabeth Rolls who died May 4th 1777 aged 21 years

Grieve not for me my mother dear, I am not dead but Sleeping here.  Your great Afflictions pray restrain.  For we in Heaven may meet again."

"In Memory of Stephen Mason who died April 13th 1800 aged 35 years.

Early in life I left my wife, And my children dear; Unto my God and Great Redeemers Care."

They don't write verse like that anymore.  Two examples of beautiful verse on early gravestones at All Saints Churchyard, Bisham Berkshire.

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  1. Wonderful verse. Very touching.

    1. They're brilliant, aren' they? Shame not many people get to see them where they are in the churchyard.

  2. Oh my, you're finding the young ones, Nicola. If one has taken the leap of Faith, then these words would give comfort, for sure.


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