Cemeteries and graveyards, full of love, betrayal, tragic deaths, murder, and suicide. What will you find?

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Spinster Sisters - Bridget Higgs and Augusta Higgs, Ladies of Means.

Monument to Bridget Higgs and Augusta Higgs, All Saints' Churchyard, Boyn Hill, Maidenhead, Berkshire.

"Sacred to the memory of
Bridget Higgs
Born March 14th 1821
Died December 17th 1883
The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God
Also of her sister
Augusta Higgs
Died May 9th 1904."

Bridget and her elder sister Augusta were born in Hockliffe, Bedfordshire on 14th March 1821, and 1819 to Harvey Higgs, and his wife Mary Ann Fogg.  

It seems that the Higgs family were well to do, as throughout the census returns Bridget and Augusta's occupations are listed as fundholders, living off interest from investments, dividends and mortgages. 

Bridget and Augusta can be found on the 1841 Census, aged 20 and 23, living with their widowed mother Mary Ann, living at Bath Road, Northwood, Hampshire.

1851 finds the sisters living at Elizabeth Wharram's Lodging House at 6 Portland Place, Torquay, Devon. Living with them at the time is their elder sister Elizabeth Higgs.

By 1861 the sisters had moved to St Marychurch, Church Road, Torquay, Devon. Living with them at the time is their cook, Elizabeth Train, and housemaid, Jane H Landen.

The 1871 Census finds Bridget and Augusta living in Boyne Hill, Maidenhead, Berkshire, along with Elizabeth Train, and Jane H Landen. They can be found there on the 1881 Census as well, along with Elizabeth and Jane. Both sisters remained spinsters, never marrying, and lived together until death separated them. Bridget was to pass away on 17th November 1883. On 29th December 1883 the Berkshire Chronicle carried the following announcement: 

Higgs- On the 17th ult., at Boyne Hill Maidenhead, Bridget, daughter of the late Hervey Higgs, Reading Berkshire."

Elizabeth Train and Jane H Landen can be found on the 1891 Census, living and working in the home of Robert A Ward, solicitor, at Riseby Cottage, Maidenhead. However, I have been unable to locate Augusta on the same Census.

After Bridget's death, Augusta moved to Hillholme, 50 Bath Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, where she can be found living on the 1901 Census, along with her cook Emily Bartlett, and housemaid Rosetta Willis. August was to pass away on 9th May 1904 aged 85. On 11th May 1904 the Maidenhead Advertiser reported:

"Obituary - Two cases of sudden death occurred in Maidenhead on Monday, the deceased in each case being a lady. Miss Augusta Higgs, of "Hillholme," Bath-road, passed away at her residence. She had been in her usual health and her sudden demise, from heart affection, caused much surprise. Miss Higgs was an old and much-esteemed resident, and had lived in the Boyne-hill district for many years. She was of a kindly, generous disposition and will be greatly missed in the All Saints' Parish. she was the last surviving daughter of Harvey Higgs."

1 comment:

  1. This is such a sad story for these sisters. The death announcement is so stark. Perhaps proving that money can't buy you love or admiration. I wonder what they did with their money, or maybe it was just enough to live on.


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