Cemeteries and graveyards, full of love, betrayal, tragic deaths, murder, and suicide. What will you find?

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Emmeline Ford, Her Husband Frederick Thomas Ford, Iris Emmeline Ford Spooner Their Daughter, and Michael Max Spooner Their Grandson - Paper Manufacturers

Monument to Emmeline Ford, Frederick Thomas Ford, Iris Emmeline Ford Spooner and Michael Max Spooner.  St James the Less Churchyard, Stubbings, Berkshire

"In Loving Memory of Emmeline.  Beloved wife of  Frederick Thomas Ford.  Who passed on January 28th 1935.  And of Frederick Thomas Ford.  Who passed on January 26th 1936.  And In Dearest Memory of their daughter Iris Emmeline Ford Spooner B. 1892  D. 1965.  And of her son Michael Max. B. 1933  D. 1965."

Emmeline Ford was born Harriette Emmeline Shepherd on 24th August 1866 in Paddington London to James Shepherd, a stockbroker, and his wife Mary Alexa Williams. Emmeline was christened on 22nd September 1866 at Christ Church, Lancaster Gate, Westminster, London.

Emmeline first appears on the 1871 Census aged four years old, living with her parents, elder sister Mary and younger siblings Blanche, James, and Edward at 24 Queen's Gardens in Marylebone, London.

by 1881 the family had moved to 19 Lancaster Gate, Paddington, London, where the family can be found on the 1891 Census.

On 30th April 1891 Emmeline married Frederick Thomas Ford at Christ Church, Lancaster Gate.

Frederick Thomas Ford was born on 22nd February 1859 in Loudwater, Berkshire to Thomas Burch Ford, a blotting paper manufacturer, and his wife Elizabeth Slade.  Frederick first appears on the 1861 Census aged two years old, living with his parents and elder sisters, Mary Ann, Fanny and Ada Helen in Loudwater, Berkshire.

In 1871 twelve-year-old Frederick is boarding at Richmond House School, 59, Castle Street, Reading, Berkshire.  By 1881 the twenty-two-year-old Frederick had left education to help in his father's paper manufacturing business.  On the 1881 Census Frederick can be found living with his parents, elder sisters Mary Ann and Ada, and younger sister Agnes at London Road in High Wycombe.

I am unable to locate Frederick on the 1891 Census, however Frederick travelled to both New York and Puerto Rico during his lifetime.

In 1892 Frederick and Emmeline celebrated the birth of their first child, a daughter Iris Emmeline Ford.  Vera Marjorie Ford was born in 1893, followed by Frederick Victor Russell Ford in 1897, and finally Cynthia Alexa Ford in 1901.

By 1901 after the death of his father Thomas in 1892, Frederick was now the managing director of the blotting paper business.  Frederick and his family have moved to Kimbers House in Bray, Berkshire. In 1906 Frederick Thomas was elected the Churchwarden of St Michael's church, Bray Berkshire

In 1911 Frederick and Emmeline are still living in Kimbers House in Braywick, Berkshire, along with Iris and Cynthia.  I am unable to locate either Vera or Frederick Victor on the 1911 Census. Frederick Victor was to pass away on 1st July 1913 aged just 15-years-old.

Towards 1929 Frederick and Emmeline's health began to deteriorate, something they strived to improve with recuperative cruises and staying at spas.  Sadly, Emmeline passed away on 28th January 1935 after a long illness.  

Frederick was devastated by Emmeline's death and passed away nearly a year later on 26th January 1936 in a nursing home in London. On 29th January 1936, the Maidenhead Advertiser reported:

"Death Of Mr. F. T. Ford

It is with deep regret that we have to record the death which took place in a nursing home in London on Sunday of Mr. Frederick Thomas Ford, of Kimbers House, Bray, in his 77th year. His wife predeceased him in January, 1935. The deepest sympathy is extended to the three daughters who are left to mourn their loss. 

The passing of Mr. Ford will occasion very sincere sorrow and regret by all in a wide area around Maidenhead and not least by the members of the Cox Green Horticultural Society, whose esteemed president he had been for many years. First elected on January 25th, 1912, he had held the office ever since, having been re-elected very year with increasing enthusiasm, the last occasion being the 7th inst. when he was elected for this year. From 1912 until 1936 the Society's show was held in Mr. Ford's grounds at Kimbers. Both he and his late wife had always been most generous supporters of the Society, and in earlier years they entertained a large party of friends and the committee of the Society on show the show day, but more recently, owing chiefly to less robust health and consequently frequent absence from Kimbers House at the time of the show, they had been reluctantly compelled to discontinue this. Their great kindness and generosity had endeared both the deceased and his late wife to all members of the Society, and the passing of their President will be deeply mourned and his memory will long be cherished.

 The funeral takes place at Bray Church at 2.30 p.m. to-day (Wednesday) followed by internment in the grave at Stubbings churchyard where the deceased's wife is buried."

In 1932 Iris Emmeline Ford married Frank Vivian Spooner in St Martin, London.  They had their only child, a son Michael Max Ford Spooner in 1933, Sadly Michael battled with depression, this was made worse when in 1956 he was involved in a serious motorcycle accident which left him physically and mentally disabled.  On 16th December 1953, the Aberdeen Evening Express reported:
"Motor Cyclist Seriously Injured 
Michael Spooner, trainee at Stoneywood Works, who lodges at 6 Bon-Accord Crescent, Aberdeen. is still in serious condition in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary following an accident yesterday. Shortly after five o'clock he was found lying on top of his motor cycle on the road leading from the works Oldmeldrum Road, He was unconscious and suffered from head injuries. The police are investigating the cause the accident."
He eventually took his own life on 8th April 1965, leaving behind his wife of a few months, Barbara.
Iris took the death of her son hard and began drinking heavily, sadly Iris was to die from severe burns she received after falling asleep with a lit cigarette whilst under the influence of alcohol on 11th December 1965.


Sunday, 26 May 2013

Twelve-Year-Old Esther Roake, She Was in Life Beloved and in Death Lamented.

Monument to Esther Roake and five infants, Holy Trinity Churchyard, Cookham Berkshire.

"In Memory of Esther daughter of John and Esther Roake of Maidenhead who died Nov. ?2 1814 aged 12 years.  She was in life beloved and in death lamented.  Also near this place lay the remains of five children of the above who died in their infancy."

Esther was born in Maidenhead, Berkshire in 1802 to John Roake and his wife Esther Angell.

I have been able to find christening records for six Roake children, including Esther.  They are Jacob in 1789, Henry Angell in 1792, James White in 1796, Joseph in 1798, Hannah in 1799, and Esther in 1802.  I know that Jacob Roake and James White Roake survived into adulthood as they both married and had children of their own.  I have been unable to find any burial or death records for any of the Roake children.

To lose five in infancy must have been a terrible burden to bear for John and Esther.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Second World War Commonwealth War Grave - Flight Sergeant Alec Henry Cousins, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve - A Marauder of the Sky

Monument to Flight Sergeant Alec Henry Cousins, All Saints Maidenhead Cemetery, Maidenhead, Berkshire, England.

Alec Henry Cousins was born in Maidenhead on 13th September 1923 to Frederick William Cousins, a general labourer. and his wife Bertha Calliss.

On the 1939 Register Alec can be found living with his parents at 7 Spencer's Road, Maidenhead. His occupation at the time is listed as Apprentice Retail Grocery & Provision Food Distributive 

In the February of 1942 Alec joined 35th Squadron Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve as an Air Bomber.

Flight Sergeant Alec Cousins

Alec's mission to Cologne in Germany on 24th December 1944, along with Pilot, Flight Officer Arthur Thomas Kenyon, Flight Engineer, Sergeant Leonard Williams, Navigator, Sergeant Albert Thomas, Air Gunner, Sergeant Cecil Leonard Blundell, Air Gunner, Sergeant Cyril Arthur Winter and Air Gunner, Sergeant Roy Arthur Yallop, to mark targets and routes with coloured flares for the main bomber stream to follow, was to be his last. 

On that day their Lancaster III PB366 TL-S (Sugar) took off from Graveley Airfield, Cambridgeshire at 3:35pm.  The weather was reported to be, 'not favourable' with freezing temperatures and fog forecast.  Shortly after take-off the plane failed to climb, taking the roof off a cottage in London Lane, before clipping an elm tree and summersaulting into a field at Low Farm, Great Paxton near the Graveley airfield.  The plane's bomb load was catapulted into a ditch alongside the main road to St. Neots.  One of the unexploded bombs hit the wall of Low Farmhouse.  The aircraft soon caught fire after impact and the first on the scene had to use rakes and hoes to drag the men from the wreckage, all but one died, who later died of his injuries at hospital, died at the scene.

Official MOD records give the reason for the loss as: "Pilot lost control taking off, while in fog conditions due to faulty instrument flying."  Pilot Arthur Thomas Kenyon had only had 272 hours flying experience under instruction with only 19 hours experience as a solo pilot.

On Wednesday 3rd January 1945 the Maidenhead Advertiser reported: 

"Died In Air Crash

Sergt. Alec Cousins R.A.F.V.R

Sad news of the death in an air accident of their only son reached Mr. and Mes. Frederick Cousins, of 7, Spencers-road, Maidenhead, on Christmas Day

Sergt, Alec Henry Cousins, R.A.F.V.R., who was 21, volunteered for the R.A.F. in February 1942, and underwent his training for bomber crew in South Africa. Before joining up he first belonged to the A.R.P. Messenger Service and afterwards joined the A.T.C. He was popular with everyone with whom he came into contact, and there is much sympathy for his parents in their sad loss.

Born in Maidenhead he went to Gordon-road School and was employed at the International Stores.  The funeral took place at Maidenhead Cemetery on Saturday. Flt. - Sergt. Kenway represented the young airman's Squadron, and Wing Comdr. Corfield and Sergt Swallow represented the R.A.F. Colleagues from the International Stores and the A.R.P. Messenger Service were also present at the graveside."

There is a granite memorial stone in memory of the men at the entrance of what was Graveley Airfield and the squadron's colours are displayed in The Path Finder's Chapel.

All men lost were buried in their hometowns.

Marauders of the Sky
See them come home, sliding and roaring by
The bright, beloved, marauders of the sky
Stern and serene young profiles and strong hands
That have dealt death and sorrow over lands
Once fair with peace and wine, young love and song.
They flew impersonal elated and strong
See them come in to land, their smiles, their eyes,
The triumph in their step. But strangely lies
Pain in this mouth, pale horror on that brow
That went unruffled, candid, gay, just now.
They have returned, fierce kinsmen of the wind
Brought back their lives but left their youth behind.

Poem by Sergeant Roy Arthur Yallop.
© Copyright David Purchase and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

George Woodbridge, Carpenter and Builder of Cookham and Maidenhead, and his wife Sarah Woodbridge

Monument to George and Sarah Woodbridge, Holy Trinity Churchyard, Cookham, Berkshire, England.

"In memory of George Woodbridge who died September 1st 1854 aged 60 years. Also Sarah his wife who died September 13th 1854 aged 56 years.  Lovely and pleasant in their lives and in their death they were not divided.

George Woodbridge was born in Amersham, Berkshire in 1794 to Henry Woodbridge and his wife Ann Rodgers.  On 9th October 1817 aged 23 George married Sarah Wright.  Unfortunately, I have been unable to find any information on Sarah pre-1817.

In 1818 George and Sarah celebrated the birth of their son William, Henry was to follow in 1822, then Mary Ann in 1824, Stephen in 1828, Elizabeth in 1830. Emma in 1836, Edmund in 1838 who sadly died aged eight in 1846, finally Louisa Maria was born in 1841

In 1838 in Windsor Berkshire William Woodbridge marries Amelia Jones

George and Sarah appear on the 1841 Census as living in Cookham High Street.  George's occupation is listed as a carpenter.  Living with them are their children, carpenter apprentice Henry, Mary, Stephen, Elizabeth, Emma, the ill-fated Edmund, and three-month-old Louisa.

George and Sarah's eldest child, carpenter William and Amelia are living a few doors away from George and Sarah in Cookham High Street with their children, 2-year-old Sarah, and 3-month-old Amelia.

In 1848 Stephen Woodbridge married Harriet Miles in Cookham Berkshire.  In the same years Mary Ann Woodbridge marries Thomas Mellett.  A year later in 1849 their first child Fanny Mellett is born

1851 and George and Sarah are still living in Cookham High Street.  George's occupation has changed to builder.  Living with them are their daughters, Elizabeth and Emma, as well as George's 17-year-old builder's apprentice William Britcher.

William Woodbridge, his wife Amelia and daughters Sarah and Amelia have moved to Park Road in Maidenhead, Berkshire where William's occupation is listed as builder.  Daughter Catherine had joined the family in 1843, followed by William in 1845, Selina in 1848 and John in 1850.

(A post about Catherine and John Henry Woodbridge can be found here.)

Henry Woodbridge is living with his brother Stephen and his wife Harriet above a carpenter's shop in Hornsey, Middlesex.  Both Stephen and Henry are in the building trade.

Mary Ann and her grocer husband Thomas are living a few doors away from William and Amelia in Park Street, maidenhead, Berkshire with their daughter Fanny.

Fifteen-year-old Louisa is a servant in the Oldfield family home at 20 Portland Place in Islington Middlesex.

Sadly, on 1st September 1854 George Woodbridge was to pass away, followed 12 days later by his wife Sarah on 13th September 1854.  Did Sarah die from a broken heart?

George's will, written on 25th March 1848 stated that his store, tools and other effects of work should be sold and the money invested into mortgages and freehold properties for the maintenance of his wife Sarah and two youngest children Emma and Louisa until they turned 21 and until such a time Sarah died or remarried.  George also stated that a quarterly payment of ten pounds sterling should be made to Sarah.  These investments and funds would then pass over to George's sons surviving William, Henry and Stephen in the event of the younger daughter's marrying and their mother's death.

Connections: Granddaughter and Grandson, Catherine and John Henry Woodbridge.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Cemetery Sunday - I Change But In Death

Decoration found on a stone sarcophagus style gravestone at All Saints Maidenhead Cemetery.

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1. Bill  3. FireHorse Photography  5. Charlene Boyd  
2. The Graveyard Detective  4. Schoolboy remembered  6. Oakwood Cemetery Montgomery Alabama  

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Friday, 17 May 2013

Flashback Friday - Weather Worn and Forgotten

*Originally posted 15th May 2012*

? Aged 71 Years

Mary ?

Two weather worn and eroded gravestones found at St James the Less, Stubbings, Burchett's Green and St Luke's Churchyard, Maidenhead, Berkshire.

The only information that can be gleaned from these stones are, 'Aged 71 Years' and 'Mary'.

An all too common sight in Britain's churchyards and cemeteries.  The poorer classes were not able to afford the marble and granite markers of their rich counterparts.  Having to make do with softer local stone or Limestone.  Sadly decades and even centuries of wind and rain has stripped them of their identities and thrown them into worn obscurity.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Wednesday's Child - Our Baby Peggy Davis

Monument to Peggy Davis, All Saints Maidenhead Cemetery, Maidenhead, Berkshire UK.

"Our Baby Peggy Davis fell asleep 8th Sept 194? Aged 1 year."

This beautiful yet sad little cross is always well looked after.  Sometimes there are beautiful fresh flowers left for her.  Sadly however the inscription on the stone is slowly wearing away and won't be readable for much longer.  After I had taken the picture I righted Peggy's flowers and thanked her.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

George Battcock, Wine Merchant and His Wife Jane Battcock of Kidwell's Park, Maidenhead

Monument to George and Jane Battcock, All Saints Maidenhead Cemetery, Maidenhead, Berkshire UK.

"In affectionate remembrance - George Battcock who died 24th December 1891 aged 76 years.

and of Jane his wife who died December 26th 1895 aged 80 years."

George Battcock was born on 23rd July 1815 in Chelsea, Middlesex to Thomas William Battcock, a coal merchant, and his wife Elizabeth Rubergall.  George was christened on 29th July 1815 at St Luke's, Chelsea, Middlesex.

In 1838 George married Jane King.  Jane King was born on 7th January 1815 in Brentford, Middlesex to John King, a clothes salesman, and his wife Mary Ann Marshall.  In 1840 George and Jane had their first child, a son George Arthur, in 1841 Charles Frederick was born, followed by William Frederick in 1850.

I cannot locate George, his wife Jane, or their elder children on the 1841 Census.  They appear on the 1851 Census living at 35 Wellington square in Chelsea, Middlesex with 3-month-old William Frederick.  The 11-year-old George Arthur is boarding at a school in Boston Road, Ealing, along with his younger brother Charles.

In 1861 George Snr, Jane, and George Jr, now a wine merchant, had moved to 178 Kings Road in Chelsea, Middlesex.  Charles Frederick aged 19 is boarding at Remenham Manor School in Henley Berkshire.  William Frederick is boarding at a school in Cheswick Mall, Middlesex.

In 1867 George Arthur Battcock married Margaret Vowe in Uppingham,, Rutland.  Their first child Mary Edith Vowe Battcock is born in 1869 and Hylda Margaret Vowe Battcock in 1871.

1871 finds George Snr, Jane, Charles, and William still living at 178 Kings Road in Chelsea.  Both Charles and William have followed their father into the wine merchant business.

George Arthur and Margaret can be found on the 1871 Census living with their two young daughters at 2 Brunswick Gardens in Chelsea.  Margaret was to pass away in 1880 in Maidenhead, Berkshire.

In 1873 Charles Frederick Battcock married Charlotte Munday in Surrey.  Their son Cyril Charles Battcock was born in 1875 in Kensington London.

In 1881 George Snr and Jane have moved to 71 Holland Street in Chelsea.  Living with them at the time is the recently widowed George Arthur.  Twelve-year-old Mary Edith is visiting the house of Catherine Hill at 52 Queensgate Terrace in Kensington, London.  Rather strangely George and Mary Edith both appear again on the 1881 Census as living at 3 Craufurd Rise in Maidenhead Berkshire, along with 10-year-old Hylda Margaret.  In that same year George Arthur married Emma Woodhill in Kensington, London.  Their son Grenville Arthur Battcock was born in 1882 in Maidenhead.

I am unable to locate Charles Frederick Battcock or William Frederick Battcock on the 1881 Census.

In 1891 the now retired George Snr and Jane are living at 5 Kidwell's Park in Maidenhead Berkshire.  Sadly, George was to pass away on Christmas Eve of 1891.  Jane Battcock passed away on Boxing Day 1895.

George Arthur, his second wife Emma, Mary Edith and Hylda Margaret are still living at 3 Craudfurd Rise in Maidenhead Berkshire.  Mary Edith's occupation is listed as artist.  Grenville aged 8 is boarding at Cordwallis School in Maidenhead Berkshire.

I am unable to locate Charles Frederick Battcock or his family or William Frederick on the 1891 Census.

In 1895 however William Frederick Battcock marries Agnes Craig Moore at Holy Trinity church in Paddington London.  The Slough Windsor and Eton Observer reported -

"Battcock - Stewart.  On 22nd isnt. at Holy Trinity Church, Paddington, by the Rev. (illegible) R. Gordon, D.D.  Rector od (illegible) William Frederick Battcock of Roehampton Vale, Surrey, youngest son of the late George Battcock, Esq, Kidwells Park, Maidenhead, Berkshire, to Agnes Craig Moore, widow of the late Francis Pott Stewart, Esq."

In 1901 George Arthur and Emma are living at 24 Craufurd Rise in Maidenhead, along with Hylda Margaret.  Mary Edith is visiting Alfred Appleby and his family in Rodborough Gloucestershire.  Grenville Arthur is a student at Winchester College.

Charles Frederick, Charlotte and their son are living in Chalvey Park, Slough, Berkshire.  Charles's occupation has changed to brush manufacturer and Cyril is helping his father in the business.

William Frederick Battcock is boarding at 51 Wilton Road, Bexhill, Sussex in the home of Eliza Swann.  Agnes Battcock is visiting the Blackwell family at 16 - 21 St George's Square, Hanover, London.

George Arthur Battcock was to pass away in 1907 in Maidenhead Berkshire, On 27th November 1907, the Maidenhead advertiser reported:


We much regret to record the death of Mr. George Arthur Battcock, of Ambler House. Maidenhead, an old and highly-esteemed resident of the town. Mr. Battcock had been ill for about three months, and the best medical skill and most careful nursing failed to prolong his life later than Monday morning last, when he passed peacefully away. Mr. Battcock came to Maidenhead to reside in 1873 and lived here continuously up to the time of his death. It will be remembered that Mr. Battcock very generously presented the town with the four-dialled Jubilee Cluck which, in the Jubilee Commemoration Tower at the railway-station approach, is such a great boon to the travelling public and to residents in the King-street and Braywick-road districts. Though he took no active part in local affairs, Mr. Battcock was much interested in the prosperity of the town and its institutions and few subscription lists for the benefit of really deserving objects appeared without his name and donation attached thereto. The deceased gentleman was 67 years of age. 

The Slough Windsor and Eton Observer reported -

"The value of the estate of the late Mr. George Battcock, of Ambler House, maidenhead; is given as £43,165."

More information on the Battcock can be found at Global Battcock Family Tree.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Cemetery Sunday - Prayer #2

Praying angel, All Saints Maidenhead Cemetery, Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK.

Link up weekly with your cemetery photography. 

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1. Bill  3. VioletSky  5. Denise MacLean  
2. Denise MacLean  4. Marble Towns  

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Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Second World War Commonwealth War Grave - First Officer Alan Blair Dorrell, Air Transport Auxiliary - Died in Air Crash

Monument to First Officer Alan Blair Dorrell, All Saints Maidenhead Cemetery, Maidenhead Berkshire.

"Jesus said. "Greater love hath no man than this.  That a man lay down his life for his friends."

Alan Blair Dorrell was born on 8th May 1910 in St John, Worcestershire to John Dorrell, a clothing manufacturer, and his with Eveline Francis Hinks.

Alan appears on the 1911 Census aged just 11 months old, living with his parents and elder brother Geoffrey James and younger sister Nora Helen Dorrell, aged just one month, in Mavlern Road, St John, Worcestershire.

Alan obtained his Aviators' Certificate on 24th May 1939 at Worcestershire Flying Club.

Alan appears on the 1939 Register living in the Pattern Arms Hotel in Warrington, Lancashire, where he is listed as being a Chartered Accountant.

First Officer Alan Blair Dorrell

Alan first enlisted with the R.A.F in the October of 1939 as a Leading Aircraftman, responsible for giving early air raid warnings. Alan left in 1940 and in 1941 joined the Air Transport Auxiliary as an assistant accountant. On 5th of March 1942, Alan completed his term as assistant accountant and started flying duties.

During his time ferrying aircraft with the A.T.A, Alan was involved in three accidents. The first on 16th June 1942, when his Hawker Hart aircraft swung wildly during landing due to a technical fault. The second occurred on 21st July 1942, again the plane his was flying, a Gloster Gladiator swung during landing.  Sadly, Alan's third accident was to prove fatal when he crashed the Spitfire VIII he was flying at Byron Hall Farm, Stag Lane, Lowton nr Warrington, in bad weather on 1st December 1943. He dived out of low cloud and over corrected, causing the tail of the aircraft to strike the ground. Alan was just 33 years old.

The Aeroplane, an aviation journal reported on 10th December 1943:

"A.T.A Causality

We regret to announce the death of First Officer Alan Blair Dorrell, of the Air Transport Auxiliary, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dorrell, of Kylemore, Avenue Road, Malvern, Worcs."

Alan's funeral took place at All Saint's Maidenhead Cemetery on 7th December 1943. I have been unable to find any report on Alan's accident or funeral in any newspapers of the time.

Alan's name also appears on the Malvern War Memorial, in Malvern Worcestershire.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

William Pinder Padmore, Architect and Surveyor, and His Wife Georgiana Elizabeth Padmore of Langton House, Bridge Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire

Cross monuments to William Pinder and Georgiana Elizabeth Padmore, All Saints churchyard, Boyne Hill, Maidenhead Berkshire.

"In Memory of William Pinder Padmore who entered into rest on September 24th 1888 aged 68 - R. I. P. - Jesu Mercy."

" In Memory of Georgiana Elizabeth Padmore who entered into rest November 13th 1891 aged 59 - R. I. P. - Jesu Mercy."

William Pinder Padmore was born in Lichfield, Staffordshire in 1820 to John Padmore and his wife Charlotte Adeline Smith.  William was Christened on 5th September 1820.

Georgiana Elizabeth Padmore was born Georgiana Elizabeth Grinder in Middlesex London in 1832 to George Grinder, A chemist and druggist, and his wife Marie Agustini Grinder

In 1851, 19-year-old Georgiana Elizabeth is living with her parents and siblings Walter, Annette, Edmund, and Henrietta at Grove House, Linden Grove, Kensington, London.

On 3rd November 1859 at St James Chruch, Picadilly, Westminster, London, William Pinder married Georgiana Elizabeth Grinder.

In 1861 William and Georgiana are living in Mount Street in Westminster, London.  William's occupation is listed as architect and surveyor.  Living with them at the time is Georgiana's brother Walter Grinder.

1871 and William and Georgiana have moved to Langton House, Bridge Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire.  In 1872 William and Georgiana's only child, Adeline Lucy Padmore is born.  Adeline Lucy Padmore is Christened on 3rd February 1872 at All Saints church in Margaret Street, Marylebone, London.  Interestingly the person that performed the ceremony was Georgiana's brother Walter S Grinder.

William and Georgiana appear on the 1881 Census incorrectly recorded as Keats, they are still living at Langton House, Bridge Road, Maidenhead

William Pinder Padmore sadly passes away on 24th September 1888 at Langton House. On 26th September 1888, the Maidenhead Advertiser carried the following announcement:


Padmore-On the 24th inst., at Langton House, Bridge Road, Maidenhead, William Pinder Padmore, after a long lingering illness; deeply regretted."  

Georgianna gifted a stained-glass window to St Paul's church upon its consecration in memory of her husband. On 6th November 1889, the Maidenhead Advertiser reported:

"In the centre light is the Virgin with the infant Saviour, and in the surrounding spaces are angels striking bells. which bear varied inscriptions of praise. The glass is of exquisite design and colour, and has all the soft jewellike effect of old work. It is given by Mrs. Padmore, in memory of her husband."

In 1891 Georgiana Elizabeth and Adeline Lucy can be found still living at Langton House, Bridge Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire.  Georgiana was to pass away seven months later on 13th November 1891. On 25th November 1891, the Maidenhead Advertiser reported:

"FUNERAL OF THE LATE MRS. PADMORE.—On Thursday morning last the remains of the late Mrs. Georgiana Elizabeth Padmore, of Langton House, Bridge-road, Maidenhead, were interred in All Saints' churchyard. The service in the church was conducted by the Revs. A. H. Drummond and R. P. Newhouse, and that at the grave by the Revs. W. S. Grindle (Georgiana's brother) and G. R. Hogg. The hymns sung in the church were "Let saints on earth in concert sing", "And now O Father," and "There is a blessed home." The body was enclosed in a shell, and the outer coffin was of polished oak. It bore a massive oak cross, and on a brass plate at the base was the following inscription "

Georgiana Elizabeth Padmore; entered into rest Nov. 13th. 1891; aged 54. R I. P." 

There was a large quantity of wreaths and crosses. The hymn sung at the grave was " The saints of God, their past." The principal mourners were E. S. Grindle, Esq., Miss Padmore, Rev. W. S. Grindle, Miss A. S. Grindle, Rev. G. R. Hogg, Dr. Hog, G. A. Grindle, Esq., Mrs. E. S. Grindle, E. G. Hogg. Esq., Ralph Grindle. Esq., Mrs. W. S. Grindle, and Miss E. Hogg. The funeral arrangements were satisfactorily carried out by Mr. J. C. Webber, High-street, Maidenhead."

Georgiana's belongings were sold by auction on 9th June 1892. On 18th May 1892, the Maidenhead Advertiser carried the following advertisement:

"By order of the Executors of the late Mrs. Padmore Langton Rouse, Bridge Road, MESSES. SYMMONS & HEWTIT will Sell by Auction, upon the Premises, on THURSDAY, June 9th, 1892, at 12 for 1 o'clock, the FURNITURE and Effects in the Residence, including iron bedsteads and bedding, mahogany and painted chests of drawers, wardrobes, rosewood and other tables, fenders and fireirons, large oil paintings., proof engravings and water ardour., repp curtains, bookcases, quantity of books, Brussels and other carpets, rugs, couch, antique arm chairs, inlaid chairs, chimney glass, ornaments, bamboo fire screen, mahogany dining-table, mahogany chairs, oak chest of drawers, drawing boards, mahogany writing-table with drawers, gas stove, glass and china, kitchen and scullery utensils, &c &c. May be viewed the day previous and morning of Sale, and Catalogues obtained at the Auctioneers' MOSS, 27, High-street, Maidenhead, or by post on application."

Adeline Lucy Padmore moved to Brighton after the death of her parents.  She never married and died there on June 4th 1954, aged eighty-four.  She was buried in All Saint's Churchyard along with her parents

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Cemetery Sunday - Prayer

Praying angel at All Saints Maidenhead Cemetery, Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK.

Link up weekly with your cemetery photography.  Please remember to visit other contributers.

1. SightLines  4. The Dead Bell  7. History In Stone  
2. spuduka2@gmail.com  5. FireHorse Photography  8. Robert Reinhardt  
3. A Show of Hands  6. White Rabbi Creative Creative Photograpy  9. Time's death-struggle  

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Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Wednesday's Child - Mary Christian Jackson

Monument to Mary Christian Jackson, All Saints Cemetery, Maidenhead, Berkshire

"Mary Christian Jackson born Feb 14th 1892 - Died Oct 9th 1892."

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