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Sunday 12 May 2024

A Father and Disowned Son - Thomas and William Owen Stuchbury

"Mr Thomas Stuchbery.  Who died 26th August 1874.  Aged 85.  Sarah.  His wife.  Died 26th April 1848.  Aged 60.  William Owen.  Their youngest son.  Died 8th May 1869.  Aged 46.  Thomas.  Their eldest son.  Died 26th May 1845.  Aged 33 - Interred at Highgate -  Maria Pegg.  Their eldest daughter.  Died 31st July 1882.  Aged 67 - Interred at Cores End -  Richard.  Their second son.  Died 30th January 1893.  Aged 79 - Interred at Maidenhead Cemetery - Elizabeth their third daughter.  Died 4th February 1896.  Aged 74 - Interred at Maidenhead Cemetery.  Lucy.  Their youngest daughter.  Died 30th September 1907.  Aged 83 - Interred at Maidenhead Cemetery - Sarah.  Their second daughter.  Died 11th July 1917.  Aged 97 - Interred at Maidenhead Cemetery - "

Thomas Stuchbery Snr was born 5th March 1789 to William Stuchbery and Elizabeth Webster, the eldest son of ten children.  1802 Thomas joined his uncle James in his High Street ironmongery store which was established in 1760.  On the 6th July 1811 Thomas married Sarah Swallow, daughter of Richard Swallow and Maria Poulton. Together they had seven children, Thomas, Richard, Maria, Sarah, Elizabeth, William Owen and Lucy.

Thomas Snr and Sarah were devout Countess of Huntingdon Connection followers (a Methodist movement in England and Wales), with Thomas becoming a lay preacher in Maidenhead.

The 1841 Census finds Thomas Snr listed as a Grocer, living with his wife Sarah and daughters Sarah and Elizabeth at Maidenhead High Street.

Sarah was to pass away on 26th April 1848

On the 1851 Census the recently widowed Thomas Snr, now listed as an Ironmonger, is still living in Maidenhead High Street. Living with him at the time are his children, Maria, Sarah, William (listed as Owen) an assistant in his father's business, Lucy, and Rachel his seven-year-old granddaughter. Also lodging with the family are Thomas Newman an Ironmonger's Assistant, John Messenger a Servant, and Sarah Stafford a Housekeeper.

In 1856 William Owen angered his father when he married outside of the Countess of Huntingdon Connection, to Jane Thompson, daughter of Peter Thompson and Sarah Reynolds in Wargrave.  The union caused Thomas Snr to cut his son out of his will, but Thomas Snr was to outlive his son. 

Thomas Snr is still living in Maidenhead High Street in 1861, along with his daughters Sarah, Elizabeth, and Lucy. Lodging with the family is Mary Butler a Servant, William Courtney an Ironmonger's Assistant, Henry Plumber an Ironmonger's Assistant, and Joseph Baldwin a Servant.

By 1861 William and Jane have moved to Ware in Hertfordshire where William is now a Grocer living at Ware High Street. Living with then is their three-year-old daughter Sarah Stuchbury, and their Servant Betty Hale. Visiting the family is Jane's younger sister Elizabeth Thompson. Before his death, William returned to Maidenhead and ran the Stuchbury Ironmongery store. William Owen died in 1869 and the business passed into the ownership of his wife Jane.

The 1871 Census finds the elderly and retired Thomas Stuchbury Snr living at Castle Hill, Maidenhead with his daughters Sarah, Elizabeth and Lucy. Living with the family is Hilda Wheeler a Servant. 

The recently widowed Jane Stuchbury can be found on the 1871 Census listed as a Grocer and Ironmonger in Maidenhead High Street, living with her children Jane born in 1863 and Thomas William born in 1867. Lodging with the family is Alfred Bennett an Ironmonger's Assistant, William Richardson a Grocer's Assistant, and Jane Harris a General Servant. Living next door to Jane is her brother Nathan Curtis Thompson, a Grocer, and his family.  In 1874 Jane went into partnership with her brother Nathan Curtis Thompson and began trading under the name of Stuchbery & Thompson.  However, their partnership was dissolved by mutual consent on 9th May 1881.

Thomas Stuchbury Snr was to pass away on 26th August 1874 aged 85. 

in 1881 Jane Stuchbury is still living next to her brother Nathan in Maidenhead High Street. Staying with her at that time was her eight-year-old niece Lina Thompson. Also living at the home was Mary Snell, a General Servant.

Jane later married Richard Silver in 1883 and lived in Eturia House (named after the Roman Villa excavated on the site), Grenfell Road, where my husband's great grandmother, Martha Jane Sealey, lived with the Silver family as a Domestic Servant. Jane Silver was to pass away in Maidenhead aged 75 in 1907.

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