All Saint's Cemetery, Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK. |
"Sacred to the Memory of
William Shave Born Sept 26th 1821 - Died Oct 15th 1910
In Humble Thankfulness to God for a Happy Life.
And of
Amelia Ann Shave
his wife
Who Entered into Rest August 7th 1925,
Aged 91 Years
Thanking Our Heavenly Father for All His Love
Safe In the Arms of Jesus
Amy Ann Lucy Shave
Died Nov 2nd 1955
Aged 76 Years."
William Shave was born in 1821 in Holborn Middlesex, London to William Shave Snr a Printer, and Ann.
William Jr can be found on the 1841 census living in the home of Benjamin Barrett, a Printer at 30 John Street, Christchurch, Surrey, along with his father William, and younger brother Edwin. William Jr's occupation is listed as a Printer's Apprentice.
William next appears on the 1861 Census boarding at the house of William Savage, a Bookeeper at 11 Hunter Street, Bloomsbury, London. William is listed as being a Printer Presser.
Hunter Street, Bloomsbury, London. |
By 1871 William had moved to the home of Samuel and Sophia Sutton at 45 Sidmouth Street, Marylebone, London, where his occupation is now listed as Printer and Stationer, Master in Partnership.
On 13th April 1874 at St Peters Church, Regent Square, London, William married Amelia Ann Beddoes in St Pancras, London.
St Peter's Church, Regent Square, London |
Amelia Ann Beddoes was born in 1834 in Surrey, England to parents John Beddoes, a Leather Dresser, and Amelia Ann Nash. in 1841 young Amelia can be found living with her parents and younger siblings at her grandfather John Beddoes house in Webb Street, Bermondsey, London.
1851 finds Amelia as a Domestic Servant in the house of Solicitor George Johnson at 3 Heathcote Street, St Pancras, London. Amelia is still in the home and employ of Mr Johnson on the 1861 and 1871 Census returns.
By 1881 William and Amelia have moved to 3 Lloyd Street, Clerkenwell, London, where William is listed as being a Retired Printer and Stationer. Living with them is their one-year-old daughter Amy Ann Lucy, and Elizabeth Margaret Whitby a Domestic Servant.
William and his family have moved to 6 Craufurd Rise, Maidenhead Berkshire by 1891, along with their Domestic Servant Elizabeth Margaret Whitby. 1901 finds the family and Elizabeth Whitby at 18 Craufurd Rise. On the night of the Census staying with the family is Bertha Humphreys, a Monthly Sick Nurse.
On 15th October 1910, William was to pass away in Maidenhead Berkshire. On 19th October 1910 the following appeared in the Births, Marriages, and Deaths, column of the Maidenhead Advertiser:
"Shave - On October 15th, at 18 Craufurd-rise, Maidenhead, William Shave, late of Serle-street, Lincoln's Inn, aged 89. No flowers, by special request." - Maidenhead Advertiser, 19th October 1910.
The recently widowed Amelia can be found on the 1911 Census still living at 18 Craufurd Rise along with her daughter Amy and their loyal Domestic Servant Elizabeth Whitby. Amelia followed her husband to their grave on 7th August 1925.
On Wednesday 12th August 1925 th following appeared in the Births, Marriages, and Deaths, column of the Maidenhead Advertiser:
"Shave - On August 7th at 18 Craufurd-rise, Amelia Ann, wife of the late William Shave, aged 91 years. Internment to-day (Wednesday) at 3.0 p.m., at the Cemtery. No flowers, by own request." - Maidenhead Advertiser, Wednesday 12th August 1925.
Amy is still living at 18 Craufurd Rise in 1939, along with her Domestic Servant Ada E Ching. Amy continued to live at 18 Craufurd rise until she joined her parents on 2nd November 1955. Her Obituary in the Maidenhead Advertiser reads as follows:
"Miss Shave
After a short illness, Miss Amy Ann Lucy Shave died at Maidenhead Hospital on Wednesday evening last week. She was 76. Miss Shave, who was the only daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. W. Shave, lived at 18 Craufurd Rise all her life.
She was one of the original members of the St, Mary's Parochial Church Council which was formed in 1922, and she was a regular member of the church congregation. Until the war began she tan a Bible class for young men, and up to the time of her death she held a women's meeting at Brock Lane Hall every Thursday afternoon.
Besides her monthly job of delivering church magazines for over 50 years, Miss Shave was the local secretary of the Bible Churchman Missionary Society.
The funeral service was held at St Mary's Church on Monday, followed by internment at Maidenhead Cemetery. Yesterday (Thursday) a memorial service was heed at St Mary's." - Maidenhead Advertiser, November 11th 1955.