
Sunday 27 January 2013

Cemetery Sunday - Bridget and Augusta Higgs - Ladies Of Means

"Sacred to the memory of
Bridget Higgs
Born March 1?th 1821
Died December 17th 1883
The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God
Also of her sister
Augusta Higgs
Died May 9th 1904."
Bridget and her elder sister Augusta were born in Hockliffe, Bedfordshire in 1821 and 1819 to Hervey Higgs and his wife Mary Ann Fogg.  Sometime before 1871, Bridget and  Augusta moved to Boyne Hill in Maidenhead Berkshire.
It seems that the Higgs family were well to do, as throughout the census returns Bridget and Augusta's occupations are listed as fundholders, living off interest from investments, dividends and mortages.  Both sisters remained spinsters, never marrying, and lived together until death seperated them.  Bridget was the first to pass away in 1883. The Slough, Windsor and Eton Observer repoted,
Higgs- On the 17th ult., at Boyne Hill Maidenhead, Bridget, daughter of the late Hervey Higgs, Reading Berkshire."
Augusta then moved to 50 Bath Road, Maidenhead after her sisters death, where she appears on thw 1901 Census.  Sadly Augusta was to pass away on 9th May 1904.  I wonder if Augusta died alone, or had family there to comfort her at the end.
Strangely I can find no further information on either Bridget, August or their late father Hervey Higgs.  Unusual for such a well to do family.

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1 comment:

  1. This is such a sad story for these sisters. The death announcement is so stark. Perhaps proving that money can't buy you love or admiration. I wonder what they did with their money, or maybe it was just enough to live on.


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